Employment Services
March 15, 2023
Literature Review and Demographic Analysis on Microaggression experienced by Black Youths
The Black population in the Region of Peel represents the second largest visible minority in the Region of Peel. It has steadily increased from 116,265 in 2011 to 137,295 in 2021, with a positive population growth of 18% over the last ten years. Migration is the main driving force behind the population increase in the Region of Peel, where Black families face new challenges in addressing their social, economic, educational, and healthcare needs.
The Peel Institute of Research and Training (PIRT), the research arm of Family Services of Peel (FSP), with the support of the Digital Citizen Contribution Program (DCCP) of the Department of Canadian Heritage, has conducted a literature review and demographic analysis. Online misinformation and disinformation were examined to determine how social media influence people’s perceptions of Black youth within the Region of Peel.
The literature review produced significant findings about the experiences of Black youth within the Region of Peel. Stereotypes of Black people portrayed in mainstream media have been perpetuated due to misinformation and disinformation on social media. These stereotypes contribute to racial microaggressions. Real-life consequences have been felt, within the education system and in daily life, in public and social spheres, in the workplace, in housing, in healthcare, in financial institutions, as well as with the police.
A demographic analysis was also conducted, examining the demographics of the Region of Peel. This analysis has determined where the highest concentrations of the Black population live in relation to the availability of Black-focused services. It also explored some of the critical life areas mentioned above, such as education, housing, and policing, to determine the Black population’s experiences in the Region of Peel and how they differ.
For more information, please contact:
Sandra Rupnarain Sam Doku
Executive Director Anti-Black Racism Coordinator
Variety Of services available to seek employment opportunities

Integrated Employment Services
- One-on-One Career Counselling
- Assessments and Referrals
- Career Planning and Exploration
- Resumé-building and Cover Letter Writing
- Labour Market Information (LMI)
- Job Search Tips and Techniques
- Job Interview Practice
- Employment Retention Support
- Better Jobs Ontario
One-on-One and Group Training Sessions for Career and Skills Development
Employment-Focused Job Readiness Camps
Monthly Job Seeker and Career Resources: E-newsletter and Event Calendar
Supporting Individuals on Ontario Disability Support Program
Community Partnership
Employer Partnership
Employer Incentives

Employment Ontario
This free employment service began on August 3rd, 2010. Qualified Employment Services Coordinators and Career Coaches assist with job search, developing a career action plan, revising resumes and cover letters, obtaining relevant resources and information and tapping into the hidden job market. These services are open to all residents of Ontario who are over the age of 16 and are seeking employment. The aim is to connect job seekers looking for work with employers as well as eliminate financial barriers toward employment.
At the same time, employers get the capacity building and empowerment necessary to retain employees. Employers who hire EO-Peel clients and meet the eligibility criteria may be eligible for hiring incentives. This assistance aims to eliminate obstacles that may hinder the participation of suitable clients in employment opportunities.
To be eligible for hiring incentives, employers must:
- Be licensed to operate in Ontario
- Comply with applicable legislation and maintain appropriate insurance
- Not utilize funding for the purpose of employing family members
- Not currently receiving any other funds (federal, provincial, municipal, and the like) for the same position

Funding is available for employers with the following objectives:
- Support for on-the-job accommodation(s), except for those that are required to be covered by the employer under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)
- Wage subsidy to offset costs of onboarding requirements
- Retention incentives for achievement of employment milestones

For more information, please contact or visit our Employment Ontario office at :
5975 Whittle Road, Unit 300 Mississauga ON, L4Z 3N1
Phone: 905-270-2250 | Fax: 905-366-0325
E-Mail: [email protected]
Hours of Service:
Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 5:00pm
Saturday, from 8:30am to 1:00 pm
*Except statutory holidays and unless other times are posted.