About us
Our History
Family Services of Peel was established in 1971 as a nonprofit, registered charitable organization to provide family and community support services for the people of Peel.

Service Accessibility & Inclusion
Partnership & Collaboration
Engaging Community
Client Driven
- AIDS & Sexual Health Infoline: 1-800-668-2437
- The Mainline (harm reduction, drug use): 1-800-686-7544
- Peel HIV/AIDS Network: 1-866-896-8700
- People with AIDS Foundation: 416-506-1400
- Sexual Health Information, Health Line Peel: 905-799-7700
- Arborcare: 905-451-1100
- Bereaved Families of Ontario: 905-848-4337
Counselling Services
- Family Services of Peel: 905-453-5775
- Catholic Family Services of Peel-Dufferin
- Bram: 905-450-1608
- Miss: 905-897-1644
- Elizabeth Fry Society: 905-459-1315
- Good2Talk for post-secondary students (24 hrs): 1-866-925-5454
- John Howard Society
- Bram: 905-459-0111
- Miss: 905-275-9117
- COAST Peel (Crisis Outreach and Support Team): 289-748-0123
- Distress Centre Peel/Spectra (24 hrs)
- Bram: 905-459-7777
- Toll Free (Caledon): 1-800-363-0971
- Miss: 905-278-7208
- Elder Abuse: 905-278-3141
- Emergency Assistance: 911
- Kids Help Phone (24 hrs): 1-800-668-6868
- Peel Children’s Centre (24 hrs): 416-410-8615
Drugs and Alcohol
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA GTA): 416-487-5591
- CAMH (Centre for Addiction & Mental Health): 1-800-463-2338
- Cocaine Anonymous: 1-866-622-4636
- Drug Rehab: 1-855-461-9961
- Greater Toronto Al-Anon and Alateen: 416-410-3809
Employment and Income
- ACCES Employment (Bram): 905-454-2316
- Caledon Community Services: 905-584-2300
- Canada Child Benefit (CCB): 1-800-387-1193
Eating Disorders
- Central West Eating Disorder Program
- Credit Valley Hospital: 905-813-4505
- Halton Healthcare Services: 905-845-2571
Employment and Income
- ACCES Employment (Bram): 905-454-2316
- Caledon Community Services: 905-584-2300
- Canada Child Benefit (CCB): 1-800-387-1193
- Canada Learning Bond: 1-800-622-6232
- Centre for Education & Training (Bram S): 905-457-4747
- Coalition for Persons with Disabilities: 1-866-969-9734
- COSTI Employment Services (Bram): 905-459-8855
- Dixie Bloor Employment Services: 905-624-2442
- ECLYPSE Youth Resource Centre
- Bramalea: 905-790-7707
- Brampton: 905-866-6900
- Employment Insurance (24 hrs): 1-800-206-7218
- Employment Ontario Hotline: 1-800-387-5656
- Family Services of Peel – Employment Services: 905-366-0322
- Humber Community Employment Services. (Bram): 905-455-4073
- Ontario Disability Support Program
- Bram: 1-877-466-5025
- Miss: 1-800-361-0897
- Ontario Works: 905-793-9200
- Polycultural Immigrant & Community Service: 905-403-8860
- Service Canada: 1-800-622-6232
- Social Insurance Number (select option 3): 1-800-206-7218
- YMCA Employment Resource Centre (Miss): 905-276-9322
- Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-888-230-3505
- Polycultural Immigrant & Community Service: 905-403-8860
- YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program: 1-877-525-5515
General Information
- Caledon Community Services: 905-584-2300
- Canadian Human Rights Commission: 1-888-214-1090
- Centre for Equitable Library Access: 1-855-655-2273
- City of Brampton: 905-874-2000
- City of Mississauga: 905-615-4311
- Community Mobilization Team (Peel Police): 905-453-3311
- Developmental Services Ontario (Peel Direct Line): 905-453-2747
- Family Education Centre: 905-452-0332
- Polycultural Immigrant & Community Service: 905-403-8860
- Town of Caledon: 1-888-225-3366
Hospitals and Health Services
- Brampton Caledon Community Living
- Bram: 905-453-8841
- Cal: 905-857-9691
- Brampton Civic Hospital (William Osler): 905-494-2120
- Canadian Mental Health Association Peel: 905-451-2123
- Central West Community Care Access Centre: 1-888-733-1177
- Community Living Mississauga: 905-542-2694
- Credit Valley Hospital: 905-813-2200
- Dental Clinic, University of Toronto: 416-864-8000
- East Mississauga Community Health Centre: 905-602-4082
- LAMP Community Health Centre: 416-252-6471
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care: 1-800-268-1153
- Mississauga Halton Community Care Access: 1-877-336-9090
- One-Link: 1-844-216-7411
- Peel Public Health: 905-799-7700
- Peel Regional Paramedic Services: 905-791-7800 x3951
- Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000
- Mississauga Hospital: 905-848-7100
Housing & Shelters
- Family Life Resource Centre (Salvation Army, Bram): 905-451-4115
- Habitat for Humanity Mississauga ReStore: 905-828-0987
- Interim Place North: 905-676-8515
- Interim Place South: 905-403-0864
- Landlord and Tenant Board: 1-888-332-3234
- Our Place Peel (16-21 years): 905-238-1383
- Peel Access to Housing: 905-453-1300
- Peel Living: 905-453-2500
- Peel Youth Village (16-30 years): 905-791-5576
- Region of Peel/Salvation Army
- Angela’s Place (families in transition): 905-795-8742
- Cawthra Shelter (homeless women/couples): 905-281-1272
- Peel Family Shelter (homeless families): 905-272-7061
- Wilkinson Road (homeless men): 905-452-1335
- St. Leonard’s Place Peel: 905-457-3611
- Street Helpline Peel: 1-877-848-8481
- Supportive Housing in Peel: 905-795-8742
Legal Services
- N. Peel & Dufferin Community Legal Services: 1-866-455-0160
- Law Society Referral Service: 1-800-268-8326
- Legal Aid Ontario: 1-800-668-8258
- Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration: 1-800-267-7329
- Mississauga Community Legal Services: 905-896-2050
Multicultural Community
- African Community Services of Peel: 905-460-9514
- Brampton Multicultural Community Centre: 905-790-8482
- Canadian Hearing Society: 1-866-603-7161
- Catholic Crosscultural Services: 905-457-7740
- COSTI Immigrant Services: 905-459-6700
- Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre: 905-629-1873
- Indus Community Services: 905-275-2369
- Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada: 1-888-242-2100
- Malton Neighbourhood Services: 905-677-6270
- Mississauga Mandarin Association: 905-766-1681
- Newcomer Centre of Peel: 905-306-0577
- Peel Multicultural Council: 905-819-1144
- Polycultural Immigrant & Community Service: 905-403-8860
- Punjabi Community Health Services: 905-677-0889
- United Achievers’ Community Services Inc: 905-455-6789
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel: 905-457-7288
- Boys & Girls Club of Peel: 905-721-1789
- Brampton Library: 905-793-4636
- City of Brampton Parks & Recreation: 905-874-2300
- City of Mississauga Library System: 905-615-3500
- City of Mississauga Recreation: 905-615-4100
- Town of Caledon Parks & Recreation: 905-584-2272 x7327
Sexual Assault / Abuse
- Assaulted Women’s Helpline (24 hrs): 1-866-863-0511
- Chantel’s Place (Trillium Health Partners): 905-848-7580 x2548
- Family Services of Peel (Abuse Prevention): 905-453-5775
- Hope 24/7: 1-800-810-0180
- Peel Children’s Aid Society (24 hrs): 1-888-700-0996
- Peel Regional Police – Special Victims Unit: 905-453-3311
- Victim Services of Peel (24 hrs): 905-568-1068
- Brampton Transit: 905-874-2999
- Caledon Community Services Transportation: 905-584-2300
- GO Transit: 1-888-438-6646
- Mississauga Transit (MiWay): 905-615-4636
- Peel TransHelp: 905-791-1015
- Student Transportation of Peel Region: 1-800-668-1140
- Birthright International: 1-800-550-4900
- East Mississauga Community Health Centre: 905-602-4082
- Family Services of Peel (LGBTQ Services): 905-453-5775
- Health Canada: 1-866-225-0709
- Healthy Sexuality Clinics (Peel Public Health)
- Brampton/Caledon: 905-791-5905
- Fairview (Central Mississauga): 905-270-0587
- Malton: 905-678-0788
- Meadowvale: 905-270-5662
- Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line: 1-800-268-9688
- Peel HIV/AIDS Network: 1-866-896-8700
- PFLAG Canada (Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity): 1-888-530-6777
- Queer Exposure: 905-602-4082
Accessibility is about giving people of all abilities opportunities to participate fully in everyday life.
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) became law on June 13, 2005. Its goal is to ensure that all Ontarians have fair and equitable access to programs and services, and to improve opportunities for persons with disabilities.
Family Services of Peel is compliant with the following AODA standards:
- Customer Service
- Employment
- Information and Communication
Please review Family Services of Peel’s AODA Customer Service Policy.
Learn more about the the Accessibility Laws Ontario has in place to improve accessibility for people with disabilities.
The agency was found to be in compliance at the time of the inspection with Ontario Regulation 299/10 Quality Assurance Measures and the Policy Directives for Service Agencies. Please read our FSP Compliance Letter from the Ministry of Community and Social Services.
About this website
We have made every effort to ensure that all the information contained on this website is correct. We reserve the right to change the content of this website without advance notice.
Links to party websites
This website contains links to other sites that are owned and operated by other independent organizations that are not under the control of Family Services of Peel. These links are provided as a convenience to you and a public service, and the inclusion of any link does not necessarily imply endorsement by Family Services of Peel.
Governance and Leadership
Board of Directors

Management Team



Human Services

Director, Peel Institute For Research & Training

Manager, Developmental Services

Counselling Services


Employment Services

Our Funders
Thanks to our funding partners, positive life change is happening in Peel.
Anyone living or working in the Region of Peel is eligible to receive services. The areas served include Bolton, Brampton, Malton, and Mississauga.
All client records are securely and confidentially maintained for seven years. After this period, client files are destroyed. You have the right to review your file.
Yes. Services are available in a number of languages. Depending on the program there may be a fee for translation services.
To ensure the highest standards of service for our clients and community, our staff are highly experienced and qualified professionals who reflect the richness of our diverse community.
There is an emphasis on client growth and development, promoting situational change and participation and empowerment from an anti-oppression framework.
Staff utilize approaches and models of service deemed most suitable to the intellectual, cognitive, emotional, social, cultural, spiritual and philosophical background of the client.
All information you share with us is confidential and will not be shared with anyone without your signed consent.
You may access services by contacting our Main Office (905) 270-2250 or Intake Department (905) 453-5775. You may also visit us at 5975 Whittle Road, Suite 300, Mississauga ON. L4Z 3N1.
Yes. Family Services of Peel is compliant with the Ontario Regulation 429/07 Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act- Customer Service Standard.
Service eligibility varies by program. To learn more about eligibility for the service(s) you are seeking, please connect with our Intake Department at 905-453-5775.
Privacy Policy
Family Services of Peel takes all necessary steps to respect your rights and works diligently to respond in a professional and sensitive manner to any concerns. The Agency is committed to ensuring that all information collected is treated as confidential as per the PIPEDA and PHIPA Acts.
Policies and procedures regarding confidentiality and privacy ensure that all staff are aware of and respect the sensitivity of personal information. Industry standards is used to protect all information submitted through our website. Please note that Family Services of Peel is not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites that are linked on our website.
All agency policies and procedures are reviewed as needed and any changes made to our privacy and confidentiality policies are updated accordingly on our website.
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us.